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Friday, February 3, 2012

Back in the States and Employed!!!

Kon'nichiwa, Namaste, Tashi Delek, Sawadee-kah, Khmai, Apa Khabar, and finally a big hello since I’m back in the States!

Yes, I am back in the states sooner than planned, and wanted to say hello in all the new languages I learned (I only learned hello and thank you J).  I also wanted to take this this opportunity to inform you of positive changes in my life now that I am back “home”.  As of January 28, 2012, I embarked on the next phase of my “helping the world” career as a development associate for All Hands Volunteers.  All Hands is the amazing organization I did tsunami relief with in Ofunato, Japan. It was one of the most inspirational and amazing times of my life.  I loved it so much that extended my time there until the end of project; I probably would still be there if winter and lack funding did not push us out.  I dug ditches in the blistering sun, gutted houses in pouring rain, hand cleaned photos in freezing water in a freezing room, and had the best time ever because I was alongside 100 of people, like me, who just wanted to help where they could. 

So, now I am working for them because of what they do best, giving anyone and I mean anyone …grandmas, drop-outs, Peter-pans… a place to go when they want to help.  Plus, they pay for volunteers room, 60 bunks beds in one room, board, an old electronics shop, and food, Bento boxes, so they can focus on working as hard as possible, 6 days of week regardless of weather, when they are on project

All Hands also allows those that cannot be on project, because of other life commitments, babies, new houses, 50 hour work weeks, away to help.  These people make donations, have fundraisers, spread the word from the comfort of home and hot water. 

A volunteer funded by donors creates one of the most passionate workforces, the world has ever seen.

It is my duty as a volunteer and even more so now as employee to continue thought.  So, I donated $100 in addition to all the sweat equity I put in, and am now asking you to donate what you deem significant.  This maybe a dollar maybe $1,000 it does not matter, what matter is that you believe in me and empowering volunteers to work their asses off.

I thank you for all the time and attention you have provided me over the past year and during this long post.  I look forward to updating you on my new job and how much money I have raised.

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